Graduate student Shanon Rule (mentored by Andrew Smith) makes second presentation at the SJDM annual conference in Long Beach, CA

Graduate student Shanon Rule (mentored by Andrew Smith) presented a poster at the Society of Judgment and Decision Making annual conference in Long Beach, CA based on his thesis research: Risk-Taking and Audience Effects: Does Social Orientation Matter? The project involves examining how individual differences and the presence of an audience may influence people’s risk-taking behavior. Specifically, this study examines how different types of people’s risk taking behaviors are affected by the presence of an audience. The goal of the study is to see what impact the presence of others has on people’s risk taking behavior, and how this impact may vary based on personality differences. Results indicate that the presence or absence of an audience has an impact on risk-taking and expected value sensitivity, and that this impact is moderated by self-monitoring. Shanon will present more complete results at the upcoming Southeastern Psychological Association conference in Hilton Head, SC in March.

Poster titled
Published: Feb 22, 2015 7:30pm
